
紅咖喱燒鴨 / Red Curry with Chinese Roast Duck
材料(4至6人份量) | Ingredients(Serves 4-6) |
中式燒鴨(拆骨,切片1/2厘米厚) 1/2隻 | 1/2 Chinese roast duck(deboned and sliced 1/2cm thick) |
菠蘿(切1吋厚粒) 3/4杯 | 3/4 cup pineapple(cut into 1" chunks) |
車厘茄 6粒 | 6 cherry tomatoes |
青葡萄 14粒 | 14 green grapes |
咖喱醬: | Curry Sauce: |
蒜蓉 1瓣 | 1 clove garlic, minced |
芫荽根及莖(切碎) 1棵 | 1 stalk coriander root and stem, minced |
紅咖喱醬 21/2湯匙 | 21/2tbsp red curry paste |
椰奶 21/2杯 | 21/2cups coconut milk |
椰糖 1湯匙 | 1 tbsp palm sugar |
鹽 1/4茶匙 | 1/4tsp salt |
油 1茶匙 | 1 tsp oil |
調味: | Seasoning: |
魚露 11/2湯匙 | 11/2tbsp fish sauce |
裝飾: | Gamish: |
青檸檬葉(糼絲) 2片 | 2 Kaffir lime leaves, thinly shredded |
九層塔葉(紫梗) 1/2杯 | 1/2 cup holy basil leaves |
大紅椒(斜切片) 1隻 | 1 big red chili, diagonally sliced |
椰漿 少許 | dash coconut cream |

Debone the roast duck, skin side down, trim off excess fat and skin. Cut the flesh diagonally into slices about 1/2cm thick.

Pound the coriander root and stem with 1/4 tsp salt to a smooth paste. Add the garlic and pound again into paste.

In a saucepan, add 1 tsp oil and heat to lukewarm. Add the coriander and garlic paste; stir-fry over low heat until aromatic.

Next add the red curry paste, fry over medium low heat until the aroma is released from the curry paste.

Add 1/4 cup coconut milk until it is absorbed by the curry paste.

Gradually add another 1/4 cup of coconut milk until completely absorbed.

Over high heat, keep frying until oil oozes out from the coconut milk. Keep stirring and frying until the curry paste resembles scrambled egg.

Now you can add the rest of the coconut milk into the curry paste at a quicker pace and at a higher heat, 1/2 cup at a time until the 2 cups coconut milk is used up.

Turn the heat down to low; add 1 tbsp palm sugar into the curry sauce. Fry for a few minutes to allow the raw sweetness in the plam sugar to develop. You will notice the colour of the curry deepen and an intense fragrance bursting forth.

Add the cherry tomatoes, green grapes and pineapple and simmer for 3 minutes.

Season with 11/2tbsp fish sauce.

Finally add in the duck pieces and slowly heat in up for 3 minutes. Sprinkle in the shredded Kaffir lime leaves.

Transfer to a serving bowl. Sprinkle the 1/2 cup holy basil leaves on top. Garnish with coconut cream, diagonally sliced red chilies.
It is paramount that the curry paste be thoroughly fried by the coconut milk. The fragrance of the curry changes as the paste cooks. The longer the paste cooks, the more the ingredients bind together and transform into an exquisite and integrated whole.
如何切青檸檬葉絲 / Basic ingredients

Roll a Kaffir lime leaf up into a tube.

Then cut very fine shreds.
基本材料 / Basic ingredients