蝦膠馬蹄 鮮爽滋味


Deep Fried Pumpkin, Prawn And Water chestnut Cake

材料 | Ingredients |
糯米粉 400克 | Glutinous rice flour 400g |
砂糖 150克 | Sugar 150g |
澄麵 100克 | Tung mien flour 100g |
南瓜 400克 | Pumpkin 400g |
馬蹄 15粒 | Water chestnut 15 |
黑芝麻 適量 | Black sesame Some |
蝦膠 100克 | Mashed prawn paste 100g |
蘆筍 10條 | Asparagus 10 |
鹽 適量 | Salt Some |
油 5碗 | Oil 5 bowls |

Peel and dice the water chestnut.

Mix the water chestnut with prawn paste. Season with salt and set aside.

Stir well the glutinous rice flour, sugar and tung mien flour in a big bowl as dry mixture.

Peel and chop the pumpkin into small pcs. Steam for 30 minutes till soft. Then blend into sauce with the mixer.

Pour the blended pumpkin sauce into the dry mixture.

Knead it as dough until it is dry and no longer stick to hand.

Chop the dough into little dough and flatten them as crust.

Stuff in some water chestnut and prawn paste. Seal and press it into cake shape.

Dip the back side of cakes with some black sesame evenly.

Heat oil, deep fry the pumpkin cake until done. Garnish with cooked asparagus.

To maintain the texture, don't smash the water-chestnut too much.